To pay your bill, you will need the 14-digit account number which is printed on the Nicosia District Council's account statement.
According to the legislation, every owner or occupant of a building which is used and located in an area adjacent to a street where there is a public sewer, must discharge all the wastewater from the building to the central sewage system.
The fees are determined annually by a Notification in the Official Gazette of the Republic. The amount of the fees shall be such as to adequately cover the expenses of the Organization for the operation and maintenance of the Nicosia Sewerage System.
The Nicosia District Local Government Organization currently has three Wastewater Treatment Plants in full operation to serve the residents of the District.
Municipalities and communities within the boundaries of NDLGO that have a centralized sewage system
Cashiers / Customer Service
Mon – Fri: 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Public Service Center – Development Licensing Division
Mon – Thu:9:30 am – 1:30 pm