We support development
and the natural environment

Green Points

At Green Points, citizens can deposit Aggregates/Base, Do It Yourself (tiles, sanitary ware, etc.) and Excavation, Construction and Demolition Waste (ECDW)  purely domestic use and origin in LIMITED quantities. Each citizen can transport up to 100kg of these materials per visit, with a maximum quantity of 1 ton in a 6-month period. ECDW is not accepted from Contractors, Industries, commercial and other activities.

The proper use of Green Points is important for us and our place because it contributes to:

  • Reduction of uncontrolled and illegal disposal of waste in nature
  • Protection of the natural environment and public health
  • Integrated waste management
  • Saving natural resources for future generations
  • Development of new standards of social environmental behavior


Κλάδος Έκδοσης Αδειών-Εξυπηρετησης Κοινού
Κλάδος Μελετών & Συμβολαίων
Κλάδος Λειτουργίας & Συντήρησης Δικτύου
Κλάδος Ηλεκτρομηχανολογίας
Κλάδος Εργαστηριακών Ελέγχων