Water Account Payments

Account Payment

Payment of bills can be made by:

  1. At the cashiers of the Public Services Department of Nicosia District Local Government Organization (NDLGO), 84 Athalassas Avenue, 2023 Strovolos, using cash, cheques made payable to " Nicosia District Local Government Organization" and crossed out or using a bank credit/debit card.
  2. At the local Public Service Departments of the Nicosia EOA
  3. Via the internet at www.ndlgo.org.cy www.ndlgo.org.cy
  4. By automatic payment via direct debit bank order.

In addition to the payment date, which is indicated on the water bill, a 10% surcharge is imposed on the amount due, only on the first bimonthly bill, which is automatically added to the next water bill.

In the case of an additional surcharge, the water bill can only be paid at the cash desks of the Public Service Department of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization or by all the aforementioned means, provided that the consumer receives the next water bill in which the surcharge is included.

Automatic Bill Pay

In order to create a bank order for automatic payment of your bill, you will have to present yourself at the Agency's service offices to give your order, alternatively you can submit your request electronically, by sending the necessary supporting documents to the Contact Form/Public Service Points.

Revocation of an Automatic Debit Instruction

The holder of the bank account to which the direct debit order is linked and who wishes to cancel the automatic repayment of a water bill, should:

A) go to the Agency's Customer Service Department for instructions; or

B) submit the request electronically in the Contact Form/Public Service Subjects, attaching the necessary documents scanned and signed.

In the event of a change of owner or consumer of the premises, the existing direct debit order is automatically cancelled.

Electronic sending of bills

Application for electronic receipt of a water bill may be made by submitting the form below:

For a change of the consumer's contact details (telephone number/e-mail address), the "Electronic Bill Receipt Form" must be sent or redelivered, accompanied by the consumer's ID.