
Mission - Vision - Values

Our vision for the next .....years is to create a solid base of satisfied citizens through the provision of excellent services

Message from the President

Internal Audit Service of NDLGO. Internal Audit (IA) is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve

Job Openings

Αρχική σελίδα / Τρέχουσες Θέση Λογιστή Προκήρυξη (1) θέσης Έντυπο Αρ. 26 Για Εργοδότηση Στον ΕΟΑ Θέσεις Βοηθού Γραμματειακού Λειτουργού Προκήρυξη (23) θέσεων Έντυπο Αρ.

Call for Tenders

Internal Audit Service of NDLGO. Internal Audit (IA) is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve

Internal Audit Service

Internal Audit Service of NDLGO. Internal Audit (IA) is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve

Message from the General Manager

Dear fellow citizens, As General Manager of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization, I strongly support the modernization of services to citizens through technology and innovation.