Internal Audit Service

The Internal Audit

It is an independent, objective assurance and advisory activity within the Organization.

Contribute to the achievement of the Organization`s objectives by using a systematic, methodical approach to assess and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes.

The purpose of Internal Audit is to:

- Adds value and improves the operations of the organization

- It enhances accountability, transparency and operational efficiency within the Organization.

NDLGO`s Internal Audit Service

Internal Audit (IA) is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps the organization to achieve its objectives by taking a systematic, professional approach to assessing and improving the effectiveness of its risk management processes, internal control systems and corporate governance.

Internal Control Systems  (ICS) are any actions taken by management and/or administration to ensure rational risk management and increase the likelihood of success of the defined objectives.

The Internal Audit function always operates in accordance with theInternational Professional Practice Framework (InternationalProfessionalPracticeFramework–IPPF) και η συμμόρφωση με τα Διεθνή Πρότυπα για την Επαγγελματική Εφαρμογή του Εσωτερικού Ελέγχου (Πρότυπα) είναι θεμελιώδης, προκειμένου οι εσωτερικοί ελεγκτές να ανταποκριθούν στις υποχρεώσεις τους.

Theσκοπός των Προτύπων είναι να : 

  •  Καθοδηγούν ως προς την τήρηση των υποχρεωτικών στοιχείων του Διεθνούς Πλαισίου Επαγγελματικής Εφαρμογής. 
  • Παρέχουν ένα πλαίσιο για την εφαρμογή και προώθηση ενός ευρέος φάσματος προστιθέμενης αξίας υπηρεσιών εσωτερικού ελέγχου. 
  • Θέτουν τη βάση για την αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης του εσωτερικού ελέγχου. 
  • Υιοθετούν βελτιωμένες διαδικασίες και λειτουργίες του οργανισμού

A Code of Ethics  based on the International Institute of Internal Auditors- IIA (IPPF) has also been approved by the NDLGO and is applied. The purpose of the IIA Code of Ethics is to promote a culture of ethics in the internal audit profession

Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Legislation and Standards:

- The Provincial Self-Government Organizations Act of 2022 (37(I)/2022:

  • Part II, Establishment of Provincial Self-Government Organizations, Councils and Committees: Article 7(2): paragraph (c) "Committees"
  • Part IX, Economic and Financial Matters, Article 58, "Internal control"


- Global Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA 2024).

  • By letter of the Internal Audit Supervisor (Ref. no.: dated: 25/7/2024), she determined how the Global Internal Auditing Standards are applied for the conduct of audits.


- Code of Ethics  

Implement the Institute of Internal Auditors' Code of Ethics for Internal Auditors.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is established by the Management Board of the Agency and is composed of 5 members of the Council. The purpose of the Audit Committee is to help strengthen the Board of Directors' oversight of the Agency by overseeing the financial reporting processes, policies and the Internal Audit system, monitoring the Agency's compliance with applicable laws, regulations and the Code of Conduct. 

One of the elected members of the Audit Committee is appointed as its chairman and has the power to:

  • Informing the Council of the results of the external auditors' audit,
  • Monitoring the financial reporting process and making recommendations or suggestions to ensure its integrity,
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the internal control systems, quality assurance and risk management of the Agency, as well as the work of the Agency's internal audit unit,
  • Monitoring the audit of the annual financial statements.

The Internal Audit Unit is accountable to the EEA Audit Committee which approved on 16/9/2024:

– Τον καταστατικό χάρτη λειτουργίας της Μονάδας Εσωτερικού Ελέγχου (Internal Audit Charter),

- The Internal Audit Strategy,

- The Internal Audit Manual,

- The Annual Programme of the Internal Audit Unit.