Payments of Sewerage Fees

Account Payment

Payment of the fees can be made:

  • At the cashiers of the Public Services Department of Nicosia District Local Government Organization (NDLGO), 84 Athalassas Avenue, 2023 Strovolos, using cash, cheques made payable to " Nicosia District Local Government Organization" and crossed out or using a bank credit/debit card.
  • At the local Public Service Departments of the Nicosia EOA
  • Via the internet at

Πέραν της ημερομηνίας πληρωμής, η οποία αναγράφεται στο λογαριασμό αποχέτευσης, επιβάλλεται επιβάρυνση επί του απλήρωτου ποσού ίση με 10%

Electronic sending of bills

Application for electronic receipt of the sewer bill may be made by submitting the form below:

  • At the Agency's Customer Service Department
  • By sending the form to [email protected], duly completed and signed by the consumer.

For a change of the consumer's contact details (telephone number/e-mail address), the "Electronic Bill Receipt Form" must be sent or redelivered, accompanied by the consumer's ID.

Payment of the fees can be made:

  1. At the cashiers of the Public Services Department of Nicosia District Local Government Organization (NDLGO), 84 Athalassas Avenue, 2023 Strovolos, using cash, cheques made payable to " Nicosia District Local Government Organization" and crossed out or using a bank credit/debit card.
  2. At the local Public Service Departments of the Nicosia EOA
  3. Via the internet at

In addition to the date of payment, which is indicated on the sewerage bill, a surcharge of 5 % is imposed on the unpaid amount if the unpaid amount is paid within 4 months and a surcharge of 15 % if it is paid after 4 months from the expiry of the payment deadline.