Payment of the fees can be made:
Πέραν της ημερομηνίας πληρωμής, η οποία αναγράφεται στο λογαριασμό αποχέτευσης, επιβάλλεται επιβάρυνση επί του απλήρωτου ποσού ίση με 10%
Application for electronic receipt of the sewer bill may be made by submitting the form below:
For a change of the consumer's contact details (telephone number/e-mail address), the "Electronic Bill Receipt Form" must be sent or redelivered, accompanied by the consumer's ID.
Payment of the fees can be made:
In addition to the date of payment, which is indicated on the sewerage bill, a surcharge of 5 % is imposed on the unpaid amount if the unpaid amount is paid within 4 months and a surcharge of 15 % if it is paid after 4 months from the expiry of the payment deadline.
Cashiers / Customer Service
Mon – Fri: 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Public Service Center – Development Licensing Division
Mon – Thu:9:30 am – 1:30 pm