Dear visitors/fellow citizens,

We welcome you to the website of the Development Licensing of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization, which was designed with the aim of, on the one hand, being the main means of informing/informing the public, and on the other hand, contributing to two-way communication between the Organization and citizens, within the framework of the Organization's general objective of adopting an institutionalized model of participatory planning, having as a guideline that the participation of citizens, both in information and in the decision-making process, is a crucial issue for our time, which is emerging today more relevant than ever, given the increasing complexity of contemporary and multifaceted issues of the "local development".

It is our constant ambition that the website of both the Development Licensing of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization, and the Organization in general, evolves and is continuously upgraded, with the aim of becoming a modernized and useful electronic information platform and a channel of direct online communication. It is understood that we look forward to your suggestions and proposals for the continuous upgrading and modernization of the level of services offered by the Development Licensing of the Organization.

Accessible through the website, and in combination with it, Social Media, informs you about the goals, activities and actions of the Development Licensing of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization.

So, happy browsing!


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