In cases where there is an unjustified increased water consumption due to a possible leak in the installation of the premises, the consumer is informed of the increased consumption of his/her premises by sending a text message (sms) and is advised to check his/her plumbing installations in order to detect a possible leak and repair it.
For any consumption or leakage after the water meter, the consumer is responsible. It is a requirement that the installation outside of the meter up to the tank be replaced with a new surface installation or a chest tank. The consumer may request a reduction in the water bill for the period of consumption during which there was a leak.
The Organization has the discretion to reduce this bill and adjust consumption within the average of the previous 6 quarters and the balance at cost. The consumer must pay the difference between the average and the actual consumption recorded.
The request is examined by the Bill Reduction Review Committee and the applicant is informed of the outcome of the investigation at a later stage.
It is noted that a new request for a discount due to an invisible leak that refers to the same service and the same consumer will not be granted before two years have passed from the date of issue of the last increased bill for which a discount was granted.
The request for a bill reduction must be submitted to the Organization within six (6) months at the latest from the last payment date indicated on the bill, by the consumer, provided that the bill is in his name, through the Form EOA-W008.
Μεταβίβαση λογαριασμού μπορεί να γίνει μόνο σε ιδιοκτήτη και ενοικιαστή και όχι σε τρίτα άτομα
Το ποσό εγγύησης επιστρέφεται στον ενοικιαστή με την αποχώρησή του από το υποστατικό και αφού πληρωθεί ο τελικός λογαριασμός και αυτόματα ο λογαριασμός μεταφέρεται στο όνομα του ιδιοκτήτη.
Cashiers / Customer Service
Mon – Fri: 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Public Service Center – Development Licensing Division
Mon – Thu:9:30 am – 1:30 pm