Ο Καταναλωτής


In order to grant a Land Registry Certificate for the purposes of transferring a property, the presence of the owner-seller (or his legal representative) at the offices of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization at the Customer Service Department is necessary.


What do I need if I want a certificate for the land register?

  1. In case the Organization supplies water to the property:
    • Property title or contract of sale, which has been submitted to the Department of Lands and Surveys.
    • Identity card of the owner
    • Certified power of attorney if the owner is not present
    • Water bill or meter photo for identification purposes.
    • Payment of fees
  2. In case the title holder is deceased
    • Property management document from the Court or Certificate of Legal Heirs from the competent community leader
    • Property title or contract of sale, which has been submitted to the Department of Lands and Surveys.
    • Identity of owner/manager/legal heir
    • Certified power of attorney if administrator/legal heir is not present
    • Water bill or meter photo for identification purposes.
    • Payment of fees
    • Account transfer in the name of the administrator where applicable (transfer fee €4.76 including VAT)
  3. In case it is a field and not watered
    • Property title or contract of sale, which has been submitted to the Department of Lands and Surveys.
    • Identity card of the owner
    • Certified power of attorney if the owner is not present.

The land registry certificate is valid for two months from the date of its issuance and the debts that are paid concern the last issued water supply and sewerage bills of NDLGO.

The Nicosia District Local Government Organization requires the submission of the following documents at the consultation stage in cases where a construction permit is issued for residential developments of up to four houses on an approved plot:

    • Planning permit (if available)
    • Topographical plan
    • Title deed
    • Architectural plans (floor plans, elevations and sections)

Any person wishing to divide land into plots within the area of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization must apply to the Organization for a Planning Permit and a land division permit. During the examination of the application by the Licensing Directorate, the views of the Works and Development Design and Development Department are sought, which undertakes a technical study for the installation of a water supply system (where required).

In order to proceed with the project, the applicant or its representative must:

  • Deposit the required fees and royalties.
  • Pay the required budgeted amount against the cost of carrying out the work (deposit), which includes all necessary materials, labor, machinery, controls and VAT.
  • To procure the necessary fire hydrants from the Cyprus Fire Service based on the instructions of the Cyprus Fire Service.
  • To satisfy other conditions that may arise during the design of the water supply network.
  • To accept the conditions of execution of works.


The royalties payable shall be calculated on the basis of the Organization's Regulations in force at the date of payment.

Upon completion of the works for the installation of the water supply network, the Organization shall issue the final bill. If there is a difference in relation to the amount paid then, as the case may be, the difference shall be refunded to the applicant or an additional amount shall be requested.

It is noted that if the project does not start within six (6) months, the amount paid as budgeted expenditure, usable land rights and/or building area rights shall be refunded minus the amount of €200 as operating and other expenses.

Μεταβίβαση λογαριασμού μπορεί να γίνει μόνο σε ιδιοκτήτη και ενοικιαστή και όχι σε τρίτα άτομα

  1. Από ιδιοκτήτη σε ιδιοκτήτη (Φυσικά πρόσωπα) – Απαραίτητα έγγραφα:
    • Τίτλος ιδιοκτησίας ή Αγοραπωλητήριο έγγραφο
    • Identity card of the owner
    • Πιστοποιημένη εξουσιοδότηση για άτομα που εκπροσωπούν ιδιόκτητες
    • Προηγούμενος λογαριασμός (προϋπόθεση είναι η εξόφληση οποιασδήποτε οφειλής εκκρεμεί)
    • Φωτογραφία μετρητή
    • Έξοδα μεταβίβασης 4.76€ συμπεριλαμβανομένου ΦΠΑ
  2. Από ιδιοκτήτη σε ιδιοκτήτη (Εταιρεία) – Απαραίτητα έγγραφα:
    • Τίτλος ιδιοκτησίας ή Αγοραπωλητήριο έγγραφο
    • Πιστοποιητικό Συστάσεως εταιρείας
    • Πιστοποιητικό Διευθυντών και γραμματέα
    • Company seal
    • Πιστοποιημένη εξουσιοδότηση, για άτομα που εκπροσωπούν την εταιρεία.  Εάν υπάρχουν πέραν του ενός Διευθυντή πρέπει να υπάρχει εξουσιοδότηση στον Διευθυντή που παρουσιάζετε
    • Ταυτότητα ιδιοκτήτη/Διευθυντή/εξουσιοδοτημένου Διευθυντή
    • Προηγούμενος λογαριασμός (προϋπόθεση είναι η εξόφληση οποιασδήποτε οφειλής εκκρεμεί)
    • Φωτογραφία μετρητή
    • Έξοδα μεταβίβασης 4.76€ συμπεριλαμβανομένου ΦΠΑ
  3. Από ιδιοκτήτη σε ενοικιαστή (Φυσικά πρόσωπα)Πρέπει να είναι παρόντες και οι δύο – Απαραίτητα έγγραφα:
    • Ταυτότητα ιδιοκτήτη και ενοικιαστή
    • Ενοικιαστήριο έγγραφο,ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΗ ΔΗΛΩΣΗ | AFFIRMATION
    • Πιστοποιημένη εξουσιοδότηση για άτομα, τα οποία εκπροσωπούν τον ιδιοκτήτη, αν δεν είναι παρόντα
    • Φωτογραφία μετρητή
    • Εγγύηση Ενοικιαστών 125€
  4. Από ιδιοκτήτη σε ενοικιαστή (Εταιρεία): Πρέπει να είναι Παρόντες και οι δυο – Απαραίτητα έγγραφα:
    • Ενοικιαστήριο έγγραφο, ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΗ ΔΗΛΩΣΗ | AFFIRMATION
    • Ταυτότητα ιδιοκτήτη και ενοικιαστή
    • Πιστοποιημένη εξουσιοδότηση για άτομα, τα οποία εκπροσωπούν τον ιδιοκτήτη ή την εταιρεία
    • Σύσταση της Εταιρείας
    • Πιστοποιητικό Διευθυντών
    • Σφραγίδα
    • Φωτογραφία μετρητή
    • Εγγύηση Ενοικιαστών 125€

Το ποσό εγγύησης επιστρέφεται στον ενοικιαστή με την αποχώρησή του από το υποστατικό και αφού πληρωθεί ο τελικός λογαριασμός και αυτόματα ο λογαριασμός μεταφέρεται στο όνομα του ιδιοκτήτη.

Εγκατάσταση Υδρομετρητών

Any person wishing to install separate water meters after the main water meter in a block of apartments must necessarily provide the following:

    1. Letter of availability for installation of individual meters, with details of the apartment building:
    • Name of the owner/authorized representative
    • Full correspondence address
    • Telephone number and email address of person responsible for contacting and sending final bill
    • Plumber's contact details
  1. 2. Architectural plans of ground floor and roof and/or mechanical room, showing the locations of the below:
    • Central water meter
    • Water tanks/deposits
    • Manifolds with the locations of the individual meters clearly marked (apartment no. for each location in the manifold)
  2. 3. List of owners (not tenants) of the apartments, indicating the following:
    • Apartment number
    • Name of the owner
    • ID
    • Telephone number
    • E-mail address (Email)
  3. 4. Κλειδιά και/ή κωδικούς εισόδων για πρόσβαση στην πολυκατοικί


Any person wishing to install a water meter in a residential/industrial/commercial development in the area under the jurisdiction of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization, must fill in a special form with his/her details at the Organization’s offices, necessarily submitting the following:

Case 1: The development under water supply is located within a registered land plot
    • Copy of the construction permit
    • Two color copies of the relevant Construction Permit Survey Plan (stamped by the competent authority with Construction Permit No.), indicating the requested location of the water meter.
    • Copy of updated title deed (issued within the last year)
    • Identity card of the owner
    • Company stamp if the property is owned by a company
    • Confirmation from the relevant authority regarding the full correspondence address (street and number)
    • Copy of certificate of incorporation & directors certificate if the owner is a legal entity.
Case 2: The development under water supply is located within a piece of land/field:
    • Copy of the construction permit
    • Copy of Division Permit (where applicable)
    • Copy of the conditions of the Planning Permit or Construction & Subdivision Permit
    • Two color copies of the Survey Plan relevant to the Construction Permit, showing any binding or proposed street layout line
    • Copy of updated title deed (issued within the last year)
    • Identity card of the owner
    • Company stamp if the property is owned by a company
    • Confirmation from the relevant authority as to the full correspondence address (street address and number)
    • Copy of certificate of incorporation & directors certificate if the owner is a legal entity.

During the on-site inspection, the following are checked/found:

  1. That the plumbing installation has been completed

  2. That  two ruby valves  have been installed: one after the main water meter and one before the manifold.

  3. Να μην έχει γίνει εγκατάσταση βρύσης σε απόσταση μικρότερη των 2m, και εγκατάσταση μάνιφολτ σε απόσταση μικρότερη των 5m, από τον κεντρικό υδρομετρητή

  4. The sockets of the separate meters must be in a horizontal position.

  5. Metal markings with indelible numbering of the apartments shall be placed on each future separate water meter socket.

  6. If separate deposits are installed for each apartment, they shall have a capacity of at least 800 liters per apartment.

  7. If a central water tank(s) is/are installed, it/they shall have a total capacity of at least 500L multiplied by the number of the apartments to be supplied with water.

  8. Where the use of a vertical ladder is required to control the plumbing, it shall be permanently fixed and fitted with a safety canopy.

  9. One-way flow check valves shall be installed in the hot water system to prevent back pressure from the pumps.


Για Οικιστική, Εμπορική και Βιομηχανική Διατίμηση επισκεφτείτε την πιο κάτω σελίδα:


Entitlements and charges from 1 September 2014
(Decree 109/2012 of 23/3/2012)

Last Updated: Tuesday 20 June 2023 - 09:42


From 1 March 2012 VAT increased from 15% to 17%

From 14 January 2013 VAT increased from 17% to 18%

From 13 January 2014 VAT increases from 18% to 19%

Date of application of KID 279/2014 regarding the bill payment guarantee by tenants: 6/6/2014

From 1/9/2014 the VAT rate for the categories in yellow is reduced from 19% to 5%.

Cost of Connection Costs, Charges for re-installation , Lifting, Crossings, Charges for Water Network Damage Costing Purposes



Ενημερωθείτε σχετικά με τα Τέλη Νερού και τις σχετικές διατιμήσεις.



Ενημερωθείτε σχετικά με τα άλλα Τέλη και τις σχετικές διατιμήσεις.