Frequently Asked Questions

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Development Licensing - F.A.Q's

To answer this question, it must be referred to the Planning Control Section where the parcel and the permitted zone will be identified.

In order to secure a Building Permit it is necessary to contact an architect/civil engineer, who after preparing all the necessary documents, certificates, certificate of registration of the plot, topography, studies and plans will subsequently submit the application through the online system Hippodamus.

The processing status of the application can be ascertained by the applicant/owner by accessing the Hippodamus online system.

If the application was made in hard copy, the developer should contact the Building Permit Registry by email or the Building Permit Registry for information.

  • An application for a Certificate of Approval can be made by the applicant or with the assistance of a surveyor directly to the Hippodamus if the Building Permit was secured prior to the implementation of the Compulsory Supervision Legislation.
  • If a Building Permit was secured for the building for which a Certificate of Approval is required after the implementation of Article 61Th Roads and Building Regulations Article 10(3) of the Roads and Building Act then only a designer should submit the application through the Hippodamus online system.

    Application for Certificate of Approval can be submitted for a building section.

The stage of consideration of the application can be ascertained by the applicant/owner through the Hippodamus online system.

In case the application was made in hard copy, the developer should contact the Building Permit Registry by email to be informed.

A surveyor should be appointed who will prepare the construction plans, elevations, plan views, green space layout plan which should be submitted to the Competent Authority for approval. Once approved and a contractor is appointed, submit the relevant declarations to the Municipality for supervision of the works.

A Building Permit is required to secure a Building Permit for all construction on the lot including fencing.

An application must be submitted along with all the necessary forms, plans, surveys through the Hippodamus online system.

Up to 30sq.m. agricultural warehouse to appoint a designer, architect/ civil engineer who shall prepare the plans to submit to the Competent Authority as per the provisions of General Exemption Decree 384/2022.

Small supporting buildings up to 20sqm can be approved provided that a designer, architect, civil engineer is appointed to submit an application to obtain a building permit under Exemption Ordinance 384/2022. If it does not fall under the provisions of the Exemption Ordinance then an application shall be submitted by the designer appointed as mentioned above in the normal procedure.

A designer should be appointed who should apply to the Planning Authority for obtaining a Planning Permit for the change of use and subsequently apply to the Competent Authority for obtaining a Building Permit through the Hippodamus online system.

In case of loss of the Building Permit, the applicant (owner) can apply on his/her own through the electronic system Hippodamus to obtain a copy, indicating the details of the Building Permit and other data requested by the system, so that the copy can be issued after the corresponding payment of royalties.

  • Apply to obtain a copy of a permit, through the Hippodamus online system.
  • For those cases where the Building Permit was in hard copy and there is no evidence to locate the building file then people will contact the Building Permit Record Office providing as much evidence as possible to facilitate the process of locating the file and securing a copy.

The height of the perimeter fence from the continuous natural ground along the boundary of the plot with a road and up to a distance of 3m from it is 1.20m.

The height of the fence from the continuous natural ground along the remaining boundaries of the plot is 2.10m.

On other borders it may be up to 2.10m from the continuous ground.

If the pergola is covered, it must be checked by your planner that it complies with the provisions of the legislation and an application must be submitted with the General Exemption Decree Regulatory Administrative Act 384/2022.

The information may be provided on the understanding that the exact location of the plot will be specified and non-personal information will be provided.

The Land Division Permit must be submitted to the Department of Lands and Surveys by the private surveyor appointed, who must also submit a certificate of completion with any comments to the Municipality.


At the same time, an application should be submitted for obtaining a Certificate of Approval by the private surveyor to the Building Control Department, accompanied by all the necessary information in accordance with the Circular of the Ministry of Interior, G.C.36.

An application should be submitted by an appointed designer to obtain a horizontal division permit from the Competent Authority.

A Certificate of Approval must be secured for the building to implement the Land Division Permit.

Once you have secured the necessary Permits (Planning Permit and Building Permit) and Certificates of Approval (Building Permit and Land Division Permit) you will need to apply to the District Land Registry for titling your apartments.

Sewerage - F.A.Q's

The payment of the bill can be made through Organization's website or at the Organization's Service Center located at 84 Athalassa Av., in Strovolos.

The owner of the real property can obtain a Certificate from the Local Government Organization from the Organization's Service Center located at 84 Athalassa Av., in Strovolos. In case the Certificate is requested by a representative of the owner, he/she must have with him/her the completed form

Payment of annual sewer fees in installments can be made upon approval of a request submitted by the concerned Citizen at the Organization's Service Center located at 84 Athalassa Av., in Strovolos.

In order to obtain a permit for the construction of a private sewer building, the owner or occupant of the real property must submit an application to the Organization. The relevant form and all the necessary information can be found here.The filing of the application can be done at the Organization's Service Centre located at 84 Athalassa Av., in Strovolos, from 8:30am to 14:00pm.

Organization Consent for a property can be issued after an application for a private sewer building permit has been submitted, the permit has been issued, and the private sewer building has been constructed. All necessary information and forms can be found here

The permit fee is payable upon submitting the application at the Organization's Service Center located at 84 Athalassa Av., in Strovolos, from 8:30am to 14:00pm.

The construction of an additional connection point or the dredging of an existing one can be done at the request of the concerned citizen. The relevant form and all the necessary information can be found here. The application can be submitted at the Organization's Service Center located at the Organization's Service Center located at 84 Athalassa Av., in Strovolos.

Water Supply - F.A.Q's

The NDLGO offices are located at 84 Athalassa Avenue 2023, Nicosia.

The Organization's opening hours are:

  • Cashiers / Customer Service: 7:30am - 2:30pm
  • Offices: 7:30am - 2:30pm

The payment of the bill can be made through the Organization's website, by entering a bank order or at the Organization's cashier's offices at 84 Athalassa Av., 2023 Strovolos.

To find out the remaining balance of your water bill call 77771090 and you will be served immediately


  1. The bill should be in the name of the consumer
  2. If the owner wishes to have a third party receive his bills, he must send authorization by completing the relevant form.

If you are the owner or registered consumer you can fill out the form or come to the offices

  1. If the bill is not paid by the due date there is a 10% additional charge.
  2. If the bill is not paid for amounts over EUR 100 or for a period of more than six months, the supply is cut off and the expiry of the last bill is irrelevant.

The NDLGO places a central water meter at the end of your lot for the needs of completing the condominium. Separate water meters are placed on the roof of the condominium for each building to record consumption.

In case the reading of the central water meter on the ground floor is higher than the sum of the consumption of the individual roof water meters, the Organization shall add the difference proportionally to the reading of the individual water meters.

The reasons for the difference between the central and the sum of the individual water meters include:

  1. The installation of a tap on the ground floor, which is used for garden watering, cleaning, car washing or other use
  1. The existence of shared hot water
  2. The existence of a leak which is not visible
    1. IBAN (from bank)
    2. ID
    3. Water bill
    4. Certified authorization in case of a representative.
    1. Company seal
    2. Company Tax Assessor's Certificates
    3. Certified authorisation in case of a representative
    4. IBAN (from bank)
    5. Identity of signatory
    6. Water bill

The sewerage fee is proportional to water consumption and is determined by the legislation. It amounts to 0.55 euro per water cubic meter.

If there is an unjustified increase in water consumption, the consumption is probably due to a leak in the building's installation, so you are advised to call a plumber to check your plumbing and identify the leak. The fault should be repaired and the installation should be replaced with a new surface installation and the Organization should be informed accordingly to study the possibility of reducing the bill.

If the consumer disputes the accuracy of the meter recording, they have the right to request a check for a €26 charge and if the meter is found not to be working correctly the money will be refunded.

Every person, who wishes to install a water meter in a residential/industrial/commercial development in the area of ​​competence of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization, must fill in a special form with their details at the Organization's Offices, providing as necessary..

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In order to grant a Land Registry Certificate for the purposes of transferring a property, the presence of the owner-seller (or his legal representative) at the offices of the Nicosia District Local Government Organization at the Customer Service Department is necessary.

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